We believe a brokerage firm should serve its agents. Not the other way around. We do this by making our system as simple as possible. Less fees. Less accounting. Less paperwork. Just straight brokerage.
Residential Sales
90% Agent & 10% BRoker split*
No Monthly Fees
No E&O Fees
No Signup Fees
No Administration Fees
No Advertising Fees
No Placeholder Fees
No Office Fees
*Transaction fee is per residential side of the transaction. Minimum broker split of $595 per transaction.
Commissions of residential rentals will be an 80%(Agent)/20%(Broker) split with a $50 minimum.
Commissions of commercial sales or leases will be a 80%(Agent)/20%(Broker) split.
Any properties that you have an ownership interest in are also subject to these commission terms.
Interested? Fill out the form below and one of our representatives will reach out to you.
**We do not sell or share your information with anyone outside of Urban Jungle Realty.